What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Components of Kubernetes:

  • API Server: Acts as a interface for users, cli, and other services to interact with the k8s system
  • ETCD: Key-Value store that stores the state, metadata etc.
  • Scheduler: A component that distributes work to nodes in the cluster.
  • Controller: Responsible for orchestration of the cluster. Takes care when nodes go down…
  • Kubelet: A component that runs on each node in the cluster. Acts as an agent for kubernetes.
  • Container Runtime: Underlying technology that runs the containers like docker.

What is a Pod?

A pod is a smallest unit of execution in Kubernetes. A pod is a collection of containers that are scheduled onto a node.

A pod can have a multiple containers but recommeded to have only one container.

Cluster -> Node(n) -> Pod(n) -> Container(1 or n)

The above line represents:

  • A cluster can have n nodes.
  • A pod can have n containers. Normally, a pod should have 1 container.

Kubernetes YAML

Kubernetes yaml is a template that describes the desired state of the pod, service, replicaset or deployment.

It follows the following format:

apiVersion: <VERSION> #Version of the specification
kind: <KIND> #Kind of the object like Deployment, Service, Pod or ReplicaSet.
metadata: <METADATA> #It can have a subfields like name, namespace, labels, annotations etc., whatever is supported by k8s.

Example: Pod definition yaml with redis image: To create the following pod, run kubectl create -f <YAML>

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    name: redis-pod
        app: cache
        - name: redis
          image: redis

To fetch details about the pod, run kubectl get pod <POD_NAME>. -o wide option is used to get the complete details.

Imperative command to create pod: kubectl run <POD_NAME> --image=<IMAGE_NAME> --port=<PORT>

Update a POD

  • If you are given a pod definition file, edit that file and use it to create a new Pod or update the existing one using kubectl apply -f <FILE>
  • If you are not given a definition file, you may extract the definition to a file using the below command: kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o yaml > pod-definition.yaml and then edit the file to make the necessary changes, delete and re-create the pod. Use the kubectl edit pod <pod-name> command to edit pod properties.

Continue reading: Kubernetes: Core Concepts Primer - Part 2